Top Six Strategies to Help Your Business Save on Taxes

Business owners at any size know first-hand that taxes can take a lot out of your business. Although you will undoubtedly owe some amount of tax no matter what size your business is, the tax code allows for some strategic tax savings as long as you operate within the law. Your CPA is the best […]
Nine Tax Write-Offs You Should Consider

The end of the year means tax season and with filing taxes, you want to take advantage of as many tax deductions as you can. The term write-off often refers to a deduction but it can also be used to describe a tax credit. While a tax credit can result in more substantial savings than […]
Tips for Solving Business Cash Flow Problems

Issues with cash flow are some of the most common problems that businesses face. No matter the size of the business, it can be crippling to any financial situation. There are several actions you can take to alleviate these issues. Even just one of the following ideas can greatly impact your situation for the better. […]
Revisiting the Highlights of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

By Terry E. Morris, CPA Director, Jones CPA Group, P.C. With another tax season upon us, it’s an ideal time to revisit the highlights of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. While most of the key provisions became effective January 1, 2018, a few took effect in 2019. This article will highlight those changes as […]
Year-End Individual Tax Planning Tips

Tax season is rapidly approaching and the next few months should involve planning to take advantage of as many taxable income write-offs and/or tax credits as possible. The term write-off often refers to a deduction from taxable income, whereas a tax credit refers to a reduction of your tax liability. State Income or Sales Tax […]
Having a Financial Plan for the Major Stages in Your Life

No matter what life stage you found yourself, Jones CPA Group can help assist you with your business and personal tax planning during all stages of your life.
What Business Owners Should Know About Sales Tax

How to collect, calculate, report, and remit sales tax continues to be one of the most frequently asked questions among small business owners.
How to Manage Business Cash Flow Problems

Problems with cash flow can not only affect the financial well-being of your company but also have non-financial costs. Here are just a few ways that poor cash flow can affect your business. Higher interest and bank charges When you constantly have to turn to your lending institution for funding, you will accrue extra costs […]
Tips for Finding a Legitimate and Qualified CPA

You would not believe how little some people know about their CPAs. According to a NerdWallet survey from a few years ago, 80% of people who used CPAs never asked about their credentials and 75% never asked if the CPA would represent them in an audit. With the amount of personal information you are sharing […]
What Qualifies as a Business Deduction?

So you started your own business? Congratulations! That’s quite the feat and while you might have an easy time determining what your income is while doing your taxes, figuring out what qualifies as a business deduction can prove to be a bit harder. Below are just some of the business expenses that qualify as a […]